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Reflexología Podal en Monterrey y San Pedro. Mantra Mind & Body Spa
  • Tired Legs Ritual

    This Ritual was created to relax and exclusively pamper your legs and feet .

    The serve is performed from the knees to the toes.

    - Deep exfoliation based on essential oils of mint and lavender with a gentle and light massage, activating circulation and removing dead cells

    - A manual lymphatic drainage is performed to eliminate toxins accumulated by long walks or a sedentary lifestyle that manages to reduce swelling, drain fluids and relieve pain for 40 min

    - Application of a mint and lavender mask to activate circulation while giving us the feeling of relaxation.

    - Enjoy 1 glass of wine during your service

    Schedule your appointment now!



    🎁  Una tarjeta de regalo SPA siempre sera uno de los mejores y mas esperados regalos. Tu tarjeta de regalo (gift card) puede ser:


    🔸 Electrónica : Por e-mail.

    Sigue este link para la creación de tu Gift Card online.

    Envío inmediato ♥️


    🔸 Física - En cajita de regalo

    1. Agrega a tu carrito de compras los servicios que deseees y realiza la compra

    2. Envíanos por whatsapp tu numero de pedido

    3. Te preparamos tu certificado de regalo en sucursal para que pases por el. (Puedes tambien solicitar envío en uber con costo extra)


    $1,810.00 Regular Price
    $1,190.00Sale Price
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