Mantra Signature Wedding Veil
We know that this day is special for you!
So this space is dedicated and designed exclusively for your relaxation. Our treatment includes a natural exfoliation of red fruits to take care of and revitalize your skin, followed by a wrap based on honey and vanilla that help reduce stress and improve anxiety states as well as being super hydrating. It ends with a Relaxing Massage for 80 min with Grape Oil and Argan. We include in your service a Glass of Sparkling Wine for you to enjoy during your stay.
CABIN: Individual
🎁 Una tarjeta de regalo SPA siempre sera uno de los mejores y mas esperados regalos. Tu tarjeta de regalo (gift card) puede ser:
🔸 Electrónica : Por e-mail.
Sigue este link para la creación de tu Gift Card online.
Envío inmediato ♥️
🔸 Física - En cajita de regalo
1. Agrega a tu carrito de compras los servicios que deseees y realiza la compra
2. Envíanos por whatsapp tu numero de pedido
3. Te preparamos tu certificado de regalo en sucursal para que pases por el. (Puedes tambien solicitar envío en uber con costo extra)